Real estate sales are booming in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. The year got off to a great start but the market became stagnant when the Coronavirus reared it’s ugly head in March. The slow pace of real estate sales only lasted a short time and now brokers are reporting record breaking transactions numbers and projected increases in sales for the remainder of 2020.
With an increased number of homes on the market there will inevitably be an equal number of open houses as agents try to close more deals. What does that mean to you, the buyer? How do you know if you are safe when visiting an open house?
We have complied a list of practices where both Realtors and visitors should be vigilant. There are safety precautions Realtors should provide during an open house. Likewise, there are also provisions attendees should implement.
Turn on all the lights
When a Realtor turns on all the lights then less people will be touching the light switches in the home. The Realtor should also open curtains and blinds and let as much natural light in as possible. Plus, it certainly helps present the home to prospective buyers.
Open closets
Let’s face it, everyone wants more closet space so buyer’s are bound to want to examine what the the home has to offer in this feature. When a Realtor keeps the doors open less germs are likely to get on the door hardware.
Offer packaged snacks
Who doesn’t love the appetizers, cookies, snacks and drinks that an open house has to offer (if hosted by a good agent, at least). In these unprecedented times Realtors who want to impress attendees with treats should stick to packaged items. At my last open house we offered crackers, cookies, nuts and chocolates in the manufacturer’s packaging. Instead of serving an iced beverage in a cup we served small soda and water bottles to the guest.

Communicate Instructions
In accordance with guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the President(link is external), ensure that less than ten people are touring the home at any given time, and consider only allowing one buyer group to tour the home at a time.
Open houses can get crowded and we all know the “six feet apart rule.” It is important that open house guest are aware of other people in the home and do what they can to prevent crossing paths. The Realtor should suggest things like “Why don’t you look upstairs first as there is someone looking currently in the downstairs master bedroom.” A good Realtor will help direct traffic in order to keep everyone safe.
Before the open house the listing agent should ask the sellers to disinfect the home. The agent should keep a meaningful eye of the open house attendees and disinfect anything that a potential buyer may have touched (Especially the front door knob).An agent should be sure to check with your client before using any cleaning products at their home.
The agent should also recommend that their client disinfect their home after the open house, especially commonly touched areas like doorknobs and faucet handles.
Face Covering
We all own a face covering as a part of our Covid-19 wardrobe. Everyone that enters the home should wear a face covering at all times. The CDC has made it clear that face coverings lower the risk of the spread of coronavirus. Diligent Realtors will have a Covid station set up with complimentary personal protection equipment including hand sanitizer and disposable masks at a minimum.

An open house is a great way for home buyers and curious neighbors to check out the inside of a home. As we all start to get out more it’s a great way to spend some time with your loved ones while also looking for your new house. With the right Realtor practices in place you should feel safe while taking on this monumental task.
For more information on buying or selling a home please contact me.
Happy Home Buying!